Dragon Tattoos For Women Picture

Women Shoulder Dragon Tattoo
Women Shoulder Dragon Tattoo

Corner Tattoo Galleries. Dragon Tattoos For Women Picture. A dragon is a serpent or a reptile like creature, that is said to bear some spiritual powers. This creature has scary looks with its scaled body, clawed feet, large wings, all with a power of emitting fire from the mouth. The concept or the meaning of dragon is different in the Eastern and Western hemisphere. People living in the east believe dragon to be a protector of the mass, while those who belong to the west consider a dragon to be an evil spirit. The Eastern dragon is worshiped by the people and is considered as the savior, friendly creature and is a symbol of good fortune.

Women Side Body Japanese Dragon Tattoo
Women Side Body Japanese Dragon Tattoo

These dragons do not have wings and have long slender bodies. Among the Eastern dragons, Chinese and Japanese dragons are well known for their artistic designs and beautiful colors. Western dragons are believed to bear negative powers. It is said that these tattoos used to destroy villages with their fire breathing powers and were a curse to humanity.