Celtic Dragon Tattoo Designs Picture 1
Corner Tattoo Galleries. Celtic Dragon Tattoo Designs Picture. Celtic culture doesn't include Dragons on their myths but somewhere in the legends of Irish people comes in great books the medieval story of the red and white dragons. One represents Britain and the other is the invading nation. The red dragon that is said to be the protector of Wales fought to defend its land to the invading Saxons which is embodied by the white dragon. At the end, the red dragon dragged the white one back into the ocean and restored peace on their land. It was then that the King of Briton took the red dragon as a symbolism of his leadership. Still, it is used as a part of the coat of arms of the Prince of Wales as for them it symbolizes war.
Celtic Dragon Tattoo Designs Picture 2
The Celtic societies also believed that dragons also have a connection with the Earth's magnetism and healing powers. They even put up a sacred stone where in they believed that the body of the dragon is still there. In other views, they termed dragons to be compassionate nature that can divine the future, possess power, has a gift of vision, wisdom and has the ability to prophesy. :